ABOUT our Team: christina fuller-gregory
Christina Fuller-Gregory
Christina Fuller-Gregory (she/her/hers) is a librarian, maker, and experienced Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Social Justice practitioner. She is founding principal at Fuller Potential Consulting.
A 2017 ALA Emerging Leader, Christina currently serves as program facilitator for the nationally-recognized Emerging Leaders program. She serves on the ALA EDI Assembly, and ALA Diversity Committee, and is the immediate past co- chair of the PLA Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Social Justice Committee.
Deeply invested in projects that move equity work forward, Christina sits on advisory groups for the New Face of Library Makerspaces and for Library Journal’s Equity in Action Series. She recently led a taskforce comprised of members of four partner organizations, the American Library Association (ALA), Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL), Association of Research Libraries (ARL), and Public Library Association (PLA) in the development of the Cultural Proficiencies for Racial Equity framework. This framework will serve as a foundational resource to help public and academic libraries build inclusive
cultures within libraries and their broader communities.
christina@ fullerpotential.com
learn more about Christina's work at fullerpotential.com
Contact Christina directly at:
Led by Fannie Lou Hamer’s belief that ‘Nobody’s free until everybody’s free,’ Christina's work is driven by a desire to see Libraries develop strategies for weaving equity, diversity, and inclusion into the very fabric of their organizations. In recognition of her advocacy workin the areas of equity, diversity, inclusion, and social justice, Christina was named as a 2021 Library Journal Mover and Shaker.
Professional Memberships
American Library Association (ALA)
Black Caucus of the American Library Association (BCALA)
Public Library Association (PLA)